Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why you should keep on smoking!

I bet you’re sick of the non-smokers in your family nagging you to stop smoking. I really feel for you so I’ve compiled a list of all the reasons you should keep on smoking.

Smoking is part of your identity. You’re a smoker now and you will always be a smoker. You are a smoker and that makes you special. It makes you a cool rebel. After all “everyone” smokes and “everyone” can’t be wrong.

You have a reason to spend money on yourself. No one can accuse you of being selfish. You can’t help it. You’re addicted to smoking. Besides it’s your money. You can spend it on whatever you like.

All those little annoying smoking related symptoms like smoker’s cough can really pay off. This gets you lots of sympathy and gives you something to complain about. When someone gets sick of your whinging you can elicit even more sympathy and start whinging about how you’re addicted.

Who needs the biggest loser? Smoking keeps the weight off. It keeps you from putting food in your mouth. You buy less food because smoking is so expensive.

Speaking of money. Smoking gives you the perfect excuse to borrow money. Even if you have half a packet of cigarettes left it’s a built in reason to borrow money. Another bonus is that people who are dumb enough to lend you money for cigarettes know that you won’t pay them back and won’t expect you to because you’re always broke because you smoke.

At work you have an excuse to take more breaks than non-smokers. If your boss is a smoker this is even better. He’s not going to complain about you not pulling your weight because he’s probably outside smoking with you. This is a great time to get inside information, ask for a raise or ask for a promotion. You can also get your rival fired because you have the boss’s ear. You can also gossip about non-smokers.

You can meet and bond with other smokers. If you see someone smoking you can go up to him or her and ask him or her if you can use their lighter. It immediately gives you common ground because you can talk about which cigarette brands are the best, which you prefer, etc. You understand each other. You can both whinge about people who try to stop you from smoking.

Now that I have your attention I can say don’t be a fool, smoking isn’t cool. If you want to stop smoking you can. Lots of people give up smoking many times so there's proof it can be done. If you want it to be permanent don’t label yourself. Don’t call yourself an ex-smoker or even a non-smoker. Don’t talk about when you used to smoke. Forget you ever had a cigarette. If someone offers you a cigarette say "no thanks." Don’t say "I don’t smoke anymore" because they will push you to accept a cigarette. Don’t think or act like you’re making the biggest sacrifice because you’ll talk yourself into feeling deprived and you’ll start smoking again. If smoking is so great why is everyone trying to give it up? Why do people, even smokers themselves, talk about the negative aspects like it makes your breath smell, it’s expensive and it’s bad for your health? No one, not even smokers go on about all the good things about smoking. They may say they like it but then in the same breath they say they want to give it up. People who don’t smoke don’t think that they’re missing out.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Rant

My rant is about the management of 2 Vox FM removing my radio program during the holidays.
The ALP controlled management of the station didn't like the fact we were airing the corruption allegations about their mates on our program.

We didn't say anything that we couldn't back up with proof. But they didn't like it. We had proof on what we were saying on Noreen Hay. We even showed it to them in the months previous.

Yeah far enough we should not have called her miss piggy but we said it in reference to her not going to a function unless there was food provided. We had proof of that too.

All the management are, are ALP hacks. Noreen Hay is the stations major sponsor. MP's should not be allowed to sponsor community radio stations.

Free speech is being stiffled once again.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Rees needs to take action in the Illawarra

12 months ago the people of the Illawarra were lobbying the State Government to undertake a number of Infrastructure projects in the Illawarra. Premier Iemma was not impressed with our direct approach, and the Illawarra was ignored.

Now we have new Premier, who recognises the importance of our area, to the extent that he is willing to hold a Cabinet meeting in the area, and have his ministers meet and greet the people. But Rees still needs to take action on the same projects: The Maldon-Dombarton railway link, the F6 extensions both North and South, The Princes Highway upgrade south of Kiama, Wollongong Stadium, etc. With the increase in unemployment, however, the needs have changed character and become even more urgent. Commencement of these projects is imperative to save jobs.

Unemployment nationally is predicted to hit 7%. It is already higher than that in the Illawarra – closer to 8% now. Youth unemployment in the Illawarra is estimated to be close to a staggering 20%. These people need jobs. The closure of the Bonds factory and other downsizing has had a major impact. Traditionally, the Illawarra has relied on blue collar employment, and with so much manufacturing moving off shore, we need major projects to take their place.

We also need the infrastructure these projects will provide. The rail link will create even more employment after its completion due to increased exports and imports flowing through Port Kembla. The improvements in our road system will save lives. And a new grandstand at Wollongong Stadium will generate much needed tourist revenue.

Obviously, we need the government funds for schools, hospitals, police and other services that the rest of the state needs. But we also need to see our tradespeople employed, and meaningful work for our young school and university leavers. It is good to see the NSW Government recognising the importance of the Illawarra. We now need to see the Government doing something.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Only if "your goldfish and it swears bloody murder at you"

“Are you mad?” “Are you cut at me?”
Ok I’ll calm down for a moment…*makes calm ocean noises and does taichi movements*

Alright…Who else gets mad when someone – friend or partner – CONSTANTLY asks those dreaded questions? I know I generally want to snap after the 5th time saying “I said it was ok, do you WANT me to be cut because I am getting there now.”

I know people have insecurities, I have insecurities but GOD what the hell do you want the other person to say when you ask “have you got the shits with me?” do you want them to lie to you and say “yeah asshole you owe me bribes now?” NO, obviously not, so what are you seeking? Do you even know?....Do you even think about what your objective is because seriously I don’t think you do.

For example; I can understand someone freaking out and asking if the other party is ok in these given situations:
* You feed your goldfish and it swears bloody murder at you - I mean come on it’s a goldfish you’d cry or something, you’d ask if it was ok because you’d be questioning your own sanity already so why not?
* If someone lost a limb - this is an ideal time to say “hey dude are you ok?” however you need to be prepared for the other person may get shitty and say “HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?” due to a severed arm or whatever *shrug*
In any other case I consider the excessive asking of HOW I AM annoying…
Shut up
Phone a friend and ask THEM how I am
Ask the audience even seeing as we’re all being watched on google maps these days - just like the Truman show

Just don’t ask me…not more than twice anyway…lol

Have a great day :)

Nicole Marie Abdilla

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No online support with 3G!

Imagine a company that supplies you with Internet access - you pay $29/mnth for a measly 2GB of data and they DO NOT OFFER ONLINE SUPPORT!

"We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week'. That’s if you can get through the mysterious menus that lead you 'round in circles and eventually tell you to call the number that you just called in the first place. Genius!

The second time ‘round I cheat and go through the sales line (this is a helpful tactic when you just need to speak to someone).
They transfer me to another section. When Diana (from India) answers, naturally, I have to tell her all of my details again. She is very polite and I remind myself to be patient – she just works there.
I explain to her my dilemma – last time I called, a gentleman (Linden, from Indian) told me he would set up auto recharge for me. Yet when I login to check my account, there appears to be no auto recharge set up.

She assures me that if I have set up auto recharge, I will not have to do anything.

Sigh... I remind her that it was not me who set it up, but I asked the sales assistant to set it up for me last time I called.
As expected, it was not set up. I will now have to do that myself.
Ah well, it only took me half an hour and a 10 minute phone call to confirm that.

And best of all, they call this 'Customer Care'. Love it!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

TAFE: Educational Institute or Spy Agency?

I am a human being, and as a human being I think I am entitled to some privacy. I think a little bit of privacy is a good thing, for instance, when I am writing an email to somebody. Now, if you happen to be reading this at TAFE, specifically in the library then I want you to do something: Look down, at to bottom right where the time is. Look across a bit to the left and you will see an orange padlock. Put your mouse over it and it will say Vision Client. See below:

If you look real closely it actually says:

Wow. Do I suck at photoshop or what?

Here's a fact, should the librarian want to look at what you are doing they can do it remotely from the information desk; Or as I prefer to call it "Evil HQ". As I was sitting there one day, writing an email I noticed that this "Vision Client" had suddenly turned on, meaning that the librarian was watching my computer, which on its own was a gross invasion of privacy, but what made it worse is that I was writing an email at the time. An email, a personal, private email. Grr! What in gods name gives them the right to spy on my computer when i'm writing a friggin' email? Who does that? It is akin to somebody standing over your shoulder as you write a letter. What if I was writing something private like a love letter or a deep dark personal secret? Granted I wasn't at the time but still, what if? I don't think it is fair to do it. I think it is completely utterly wrong and I am really angry, not just disgruntled like I was with my Political Correctness post but absolutely livid. It is morally unjustifiable and to be quite frank: RUDE!
But never fear, there's always a way around these things and I will find it, and then post it here so you can get around it too, because to me, watching my computer as I write an email is right up there with stalking. As far as I know I commtited no crime. I didn't do anything wrong. If the police tried doing that, watching your computer without a worthy reason, they would be fired for corruption and misuse of resources. So why does TAFE get away with it. Simple, they're a Spy Agency.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Trip to the Dentist

What a day this has been! I had to go to the dentist this morning to have my tooth prepared for a cap. This is the very same tooth that cost me something in the vicinity of $3000 last time I went to a dentist for the joyous experience of root canal surgery. What fun that was!!

I arrive on time for my appointment - never a minute sooner to something I dread so much - to be greeted by the very, very happy assistant dental nurse/receptionist.

"Good morning!" she beams, "Ready for today?"

She is clearly enthusiastic and I muster as much enthusiasm in return as I can manage to say; "Ready as I'll ever be..."

She brings me a tiny little pill (hooray!!) and hands it to me in a plastic gloved hand.
"Take the whole thing at once now!" she jokes, ever so jolly.

I remind myself that I'm sure her enthusiasm is meant to relax me and resolve to be nice.

After a half an hour it is time to get on with the business of torture. I am sat in the dreaded chair surrounded by all manner of terrifying objects – each more sharp and mysterious than the one next to it.
The dentist asks how I am feeling and, perhaps deciding that the medication had kicked in, asks her assistant to get me a drink of juice to boost my sugar levels. This further asserts the notion that I am in this one for the long hall! She asks if I am cold and when I reply in the affirmative I am gently covered with a lovely lamb’s wool blanket.
Perhaps this isn’t so bad after all?

“Ok gorgeous, open up now” the dentist encourages me.

Oh no! It begins!!!

The hydraulic chair is tilted back further and further until I am lying at the interesting angle of about 15 degrees – with my feet above my head.
‘This will be good for my thyroid’ I decide, finding a positive where I can.

In no time at all my mouth is filled with tubes that suck away my saliva before I’ve had a chance to make it and two faces are peering intently into my mouth. I concentrate on the orange light above me, then the white ceiling. I notice the dentist’s blonde hair in the foreground but do not dare to focus on anything close by that might mean I catch a glimpse of one of the horrifying tools.

Drill, drill, sharp, acrid smells, why am I putting myself through this? Drill, drill, She knows what she’s doing, just trust her, just relax…

About ten minutes in I start to relax and think about Leonard Cohen songs. And things around the room seem funny for no reason at all. I suddenly stop worrying that this procedure might hurt.
I don’t even mind the needle! Now I know for sure that the medication has finally worked!

There is a particular discomfort in having the corner of your mouth stretched and pinched by dentists’ tools. In any other situation you would say;
“Excuse me! That’s very uncomfortable, could you please stop doing that?” or something similar, or perhaps more colourful. Isn’t it amazing what we will put up with at the dentist!

As she concentrates on her art she sometimes forgets to ask politely and simply turns my head by force. At other times she leans over me to drill especially deeply into the tooth and I can’t help but think what a strangely physical process this is!

But an hour and a half passes much quicker than I could have imagined and I am free to go!
That is, after I have emptied my bank account of $1300.00. Certainly the most painful part of the whole ordeal!

How to avoid such expensive dentist treatments?
Floss EVERY DAY, brush AT LEAST twice a day.
Boring, but worth it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Petty Crime in Coniston, NSW

Last week I came out of my friend's flat in Coniston to see that some eejit (for want of an expressive word that isn't really a swear word!) had graffitied his/her tag on the bonnet of my car. It was a horrible feeling - a mild sense of having been violated in some way, not to mention incredibly annoying!

Later that day, after speaking with a neighbour, my friend discovered that almost every car, bin, fence and garage door on that side of the road had also been tagged.
Yes it is Coniston and one expects things like this to happen on occasion. But this happened on a MONDAY NIGHT of all things!!! A rainy Monday night at that!!
With such a mindless attack on so many peoples property, you can imagine quite easily that it was some little bastard/s with nothing better to do on his/her/their way to the train station.

Driving up Gladstone Avenue past West Wollongong TAFE yesterday evening I noticed THREE cars with missing number plates. All 3 still had dirt where the plates had been, suggesting this had been done very recently.

I subsequently went out and purchased non-reversible screws. I figured the $1.50 and 10 minutes it took to put them on was well worth it.
As it suggests in bold text on the packaging;

"Number plate theft is on the rise!"

You bet it is!!!!

[In case you are unsure why this is so, the latest thing in the world of petty crime is to put fake plates on your car, fill it up at a servo then drive off at high speeds and dump the number plates.]

I read an article recently written by a mother, suggesting she had seen a small group of 13 year old boys loitering around her street and mentioned the 'coincidental' petty crimes that were committed later that night. As she commented, "Where do their parents think their 13 year old kids are at that time of night?!! At that age I was asleep in bed! My parents wouldn't have it any other way and neither would I!"

The screws can be purchased at Repco, near 'Video Ezy' in Wollongong.

I strongly recommend getting some ASAP!

Trouble posting blogs?

Lets see if this works...
If it does, it means blogs cannot be typed up in Word, copied & pasted into RANT!!
(This one typed in Notepad. Good ole Notepad!!!)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Political Correctness

It is my opinion that the world at the present moment is in turmoil. People everywhere are to afraid to express their opinion in case they are found to be 'politically incorrect'. If somebody doesn't like women having the vote, it is their right to express that opinion, regardless of how much society disagrees. It is their right as a human to have, and express that opinion. Now, before you yell at me for being sexist I don't support this view. I'm all for equal rights for everbody, regardless of what bits they do or don't have.
What about British Home Office Minister, John Denham? He could face charges for using the phrase "nitty gritty", which dates from the slave era. Or what about the Cookie Monster? No longer will children wake up to him screaming "Cooookiiieeess!!!!" Nope. Now he eats carrot. Then you have baa baa black Sheep, who got carted away by the thought police and is now a freak of nature. Now we have a rainbow Sheep because it is trying to promote diversity. Well, to me it is just confusing. How many three year olds will go to a farm and wonder just where all the rainbow sheep are hiding? I'll tell you, they're wearing black jumpers to try and fit in.
There's even talk of dumbing down Christmas celebrations in Sydney this year to let other cultures 'fit in'. Well as much as I hate to say it we are a predominantly Christian nation, therefore we should celebrate Christian celebrations. Other cultures need to assimilate to a degree. They can keep their culture, language, religion, and customs but please don't interfere with ours. Because of PC we are now afraid to do or say anything which might be considered discriminatory or just plain rude. We go through life tip-toeing around. But what we need is to wake up and say what we think, and screw what everbody else thinks.
And, in the final few lines of this I want to share this anecdote: whilst doing the solitare fuelled binge I call research I found a website entitled "Political Correctness: The New Communism". And you know what? I think it is.