Friday, May 15, 2009

Look Out The Circus Is In Town

Here we go again. Political Finger Pointing at its very best. Wayne Swan has come out with the budget and it is exactly what we all expected. We now owe so much money I expect Large Russian Men to come around and break my knees.

I recently heard Mr. Turnbull say something along the lines of "What did you expect, they're Labor, you voted for them." You see Malcolm Turnbull thinks that Labor are the ones to blame for the thickset Russian knocking at his door. He seems to be ignoring the fact that, unless K-Rudd is a super-villian the likes of which the world has never seen, Labor couldn't possibly be responsible for the GLOBAL Economic Crisis (which due to our overuse of acronyms is now the GEC). You may notice 'global' spelt in capitals. This isn't because I accidentally bumped Caps Lock. It's because everybody in the world owes money, everybody has Burly Russians chasing them around with baseball bats. But Malcolm doesn't want to accept that. If he does it means he can't use it as his platform to get elected to President (we all know it's coming, the Republic of Australia).

And need I point out that the seeds of the GEC were planted a long, long time ago. Long before Kevin '07, and possibly even before Kevin '97.
But what can you do? Malcolm will always point fingers because he is a smarmy, sleazeball rich kid who is used to either getting what he wants or fobbing off the blame to the man-servant.

I will go down on record saying this: "Kevin Rudd will lose the next election, just as we come OUT of recession, and the Liberals will claim it was them who saved us. Then, in a few years time, we will go INTO recession just as RoboRudd gets re-elected, and the liberals will blame poor management by labor."
And how do I know this? Do I have a crystal ball? Tarot cards? Tea Leaves?

Nope. Just a history book. And history, as the saying goes, always repeats itself.

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