Sunday, February 15, 2009

Women Love Cats

“Isn’t it unfair that women love cats? Cats are independent, they don’t listen, they don’t come when you call, they like to stay out all night and when they are at home they like to be left alone to sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat.” This is Terry Sangster’s amusing observation about women. I recently read this in the Laughter, the best medicine section of the Australian Readers Digest.

While reading this I thought about why women don't like these qualities in a man. Here are my thoughts.

The reason some women don’t like independence in a man is because they like to be needed but it’s probably insecurity. Maybe this is why some women do everything to make a man dependent on them. But, I know a lot of men and I know a lot of women and personally I don’t see why women feel insecure. If they’re honest most men will admit that they need women so what reason do women have to feel insecure. I myself like a little independence in a man. This leaves me free to have hobbies and interests that don’t include walking behind a man with a dustpan and broom while picking up things that he drops on the floor as he wanders around the house, going about his business in blissful oblivion to the mess he’s making. I’m pretty lazy and the more a man can do for himself the less work for me.

The reason women don’t like men who don’t listen is because they don’t like repeating themselves. This is very annoying. If a man listens to what a women is saying this saves time by ensuring that he does what he is being asked first time without stuffing it up. Also, when they listen men hear all sorts of useful information like we’re out of shaving cream or even more importantly we’re out of beer although I’m pretty sure that a man would notice if the beer ran out.

It’s pretty obvious why women don’t like it when men don’t come when they call. If a woman is calling a man it’s usually for an important reason like she has a chore for him to do like taking out the garbage. This is probably why most men don’t come when they’re called. Another reason might be a guilty conscience. Perhaps he has done something wrong and thinks he is being called because he is in trouble. Men are such children.

They like to stay out all night. Maybe they stay out all night to avoid the inevitable. I think that they should bite the bullet and come home. If they are in trouble with their “better half” staying out all night will just make it worse.

When they are at home they like to be left alone to sleep. Unless he is a shift worker or has just been rescued from a bush walk gone wrong he is just being lazy and should be woken up immediately.

I know that men are hard work but I feel that on the whole they have a lot of good qualities and are usually worth the effort although sometimes I would rather have a cat.

I don’t like how the paparazzi “do whatever it takes” to get “the photo”. Why do they create this adversarial relationship with people who are basically their bread and butter?

I’m sick of the way they justify their harassment of celebrities by saying things like “ Don’t become famous, don’t become a celebrity if you can’t deal with what it’s all about.” “You spend your life promoting yourself" "Another camera shoved in front of you shouldn’t make a difference”.

I think this attitude is unfair. Other people’s jobs are nine to five or shift work yet celebrities are expected to “work” 24/7 every day. In spite of their pay packets do they really deserve to be “at work” all day every day without a break? When they do go on holidays they are still “at work”. They are “on show”.

I also get angry when paparazzi say things like “they like the attention”. I can see their point. Everyone thrives on harassment and negative attention in the form of unflattering, embarrassing or private photos splashed all over magazines and newspapers. They are pampered and spoiled and need adversity to build their characters.

The paparazzi say that their unflattering, embarrassing photos made them famous and keep them in the spotlight. They should get over themselves. If that’s the case then why don’t the people on “Australia’s funniest home videos” become rich and famous? Why don’t they become household names? Even though we take the piss out of celebrities we know that they work hard to get where they are just like anyone else. And besides, the magazines these photos appear in are a cheap and entertaining read that gets discarded in less than a week. The photos the paparazzi take are not going to win any awards, prizes or be found hanging in an art gallery any time soon. If it weren’t for the money they would be photographing sunsets instead of celebrities. If anything the paparazzi should be grateful to celebrities and show them a little respect.

At the end of the day celebrities know what they will have to endure as part of their celebrity. It’s their choice to pursue their dream job. It’s just a shame that human nature being what it is, unflattering, embarrassing and personal photos create an interest in the public and attract “the big bucks” from those using them in magazines, internet and television.